共抗疫情,大家一起加油!武漢加油!中國加油! | 少出行,戴口罩,勤洗手,多通風! |
發表時間:2019-04-15 13:23 寓教于樂 只有當你對一件事情很感興趣的時候,你做起來才不會感到累!瑞禾秉承的理念就是:在快樂中學習,在學習中找到成就感! 全方位的發展離不開手腦并用 Communicating with foreign teachers is really useful. your intonation will improve. Moreover, you can't remember many words 10 times or 8 times. Chatting with foreign teachers, he said once or twice and you will be extremely impressed. Moreover, after you talk with foreign teachers, you will feel more relaxed. Next time you meet foreigners, you can greet them very well. You don't have to be afraid of saying wrong. In fact, it is better to chat with foreigners more. In this way, you will know that even if you say wrong, they can understand you. 孩子們自己親自動手做蛋糕,烤餅干 培養了動手操作的能力,體會生活的樂趣 夏令營時間安排:2019年暑假開始連續4周 你對暑假有什么規劃呢? 加入我們 在瑞禾留下你的足跡吧! 名額有限,收滿即止,快快聯系我們吧 電話:028-61073017 18982083791 地址:郫都區順河路197號附201號 |